CNA-TV Studio & Media Museum
Covering Cordillera
Some Visual Snippets
What we do as communicators
More images on what we do
What keeps us moving
Cordillera Chronicles by Art Tibaldo
The Technical Director's Page
Our humble beginings
The Core Group
CNA Trainings & Workshops

WELCOME to the Cordillera News Agency-Television Website

Communication is life. It is also a lifeline. 
It empowers individuals and communities to actively participate 
in community affairs and the political process, in a larger scale. 
It is essential in participatory development. 
It is a tool for democrazy. CNA


This site introduces you the men and women behind CNA-TV who bonded as a media and research based team with the aim to provide an alternative source of information to the people of the Cordillera.

For comments and suggestions, please e-mail/write to: the administrator at:


CNA-TV was organized in 1993 by a motley group of Baguio based media personalities who wanted to establish an alternative local show for the Cordillera. With a clear vision, the determined founding members pooled resources, trained students and managed the longest running community cable television show for the city of Baguio.

Thanks for dropping by and taking a look at our photos. Please get in touch with any comments or reactions!
